Competition on Visualizing Through Drawing
The ability to visualize something can transform the abstract into concrete and become more representational. This ability earned James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins a Nobel Prize for identifying the structure of DNA from an early study. One of the skills you'll develop during the Camp Art and Learning sessions is to improve your visual imagination and draw things that aren't always in front of your eyes. We encourage students to participate in this competition by illustrating concepts and exploring your artistic talents.
The results of the competition are as follows:

Topic for category 6 - 8 grade
Friendship among planets

Topic for category 9 - 12 grade
Sustainable Science

Rules for Participation
Eligibility: Students from classes 6 to 12 may participate.
Categories: There are two categories:
1. Category "High School" for students in 9 -12 grade
2. Category "Middle School" for students in 6 - 8 grade
Submission: Submission of entries will begin on 3 February and close on 12 February 2023
Rules for submission:
1. You may use any medium to make your art, e.g., pencil drawing, painting, etc.
2. Submissions need to be scanned copies of the artwork
3. Artworks need to be submitted in PDF, JPEG, or PNG formats
4. Dimensions of page: A4, A3. No other sizes would be accepted
Results: The winning entries will be announced on the Camp Art and Learning 2023 webpage on or before February 26, 2023.
Awards and certificates: Two awards will be given in each category. Each category will have a winner and a runner-up. Merit certificates and prize money will be awarded to the winners.
Participation fee: There is no participation fee, but you must be registered for Camp Art and Learning 2023 through paid mode.